talcyon avatar

Magic #185


"I need a bed," Hissed Minerva, as she slammed a gold coin onto the counter. "And breakfast."

The attendant eyed the coin. "Er, sorry miss. That needs to be two gold for the bed and a silver for breakfast."

She squinted evilly from beneath the brim of her hat. "How about two gold and I don't turn you into a frog?" She placed another gold onto the counter.

He looked at her. "Yes, ma'am!" He replied with a frightened squeak.

She followed him upstairs as he showed her to her room. "The key ma'am. We hope you enjoy your stay!"

2 comments add one below

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    Christopher over 1 year ago

    Threatening to turn him into a frog must be their equivalent of a bad review on TripAdvisor! (Trying to catch up with this story after being away for a while. Forgive me if I don't comment on every one.)

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    Jeff Taylor over 1 year ago

    Nothing to forgive Christopher! :D

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