talcyon avatar

Magic #183


"Mark this day Witch. Mark it well. I give you permission to walk my lands. The price? The price is knowledge. Be my eyes in the light-lands, and keep me informed..." There was a pause. "Thank you, Witch. You may go."

Minerva would have breathed a sigh of relief there and then but waited until she stepped into the noise and bustle of the town. Behind her the alleyway seemed darker than the others.

The sacking of Hammords Reach had not only destroyed it here but had wiped it from the shadow lands.

And the shadow lord wasn't happy.

3 comments add one below

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    Christopher almost 2 years ago

    Pretty good trade-off, I think.

    This is really interesting, Jeff.

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    Jeff Taylor almost 2 years ago

    In my head the shadow-lands are one gigantic special effect. Just the shadows and nothing else. I thought it would be an interesting take on places like the upside-down or various mirror dimensions. A friend of mine is a special effects supervisor (Currently working on Dr Who!) and I like to make his life difficult 😉

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    Christopher almost 2 years ago

    Yeah, I was picturing it in my head. It's definitely a cool concept.

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