talcyon avatar

Magic #167


She hoped she was making good time. While her entire unit had been killed in the onslaught, the kingdom she was defending was only three days south of the Valley. They'd chosen there because it was a perfect choke point and presented them with an easily defended position. Or so they had thought.

She moved easily down the animal paths, staying away from the main road for fear of being seen by the enemy. She checked it every now and again, but there was no sign. Her paranoia, however, got the better of her. So, she stayed well, well away.

6 comments add one below

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    Christopher almost 2 years ago

    Glad to see you're soldiering on with this story, Jeff.

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    Frenchie almost 2 years ago

    And I love it but I have to go back to the beginning as I have not been here for quite a while. I love Magic :-D

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    Jeff Taylor almost 2 years ago

    Frenchie, I consolidated the whole lot into a book (Available on Amazon) email me (aeonworx at hotmail dot com) and I'll send you a copy for kindle, or just a pdf.

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    VerityAlways almost 2 years ago

    I can easily transport to your fantasy land seeing the characters alive, this is very good stuff, Jeff! Glad to read them

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    Jeff Taylor almost 2 years ago

    Thanks Verity! Much appreciated. Got lots more to write, I think.

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    Frenchie almost 2 years ago

    Oh thanks. I will do this.

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