talcyon avatar

Magic #165


It was the early afternoon sunlight that woke her. Her cloak was steaming as the bright sunshine warmed her through. She squinted as she lifted her head. Smiling, she gently grabbed the thread of a spider from the brim of her hat and deposited it onto a nearby fern.

"Sorry madam, but I'm not a good structure to build your web around. But I appreciate the sentiment."

She stood, stretched and heard her back crack loudly. "Eurgh! Sleeping at the base of a tree is not good for my back." She mumbled to herself. "I need to get my bearings."

4 comments add one below

  • avatar

    sully almost 2 years ago

    A lot of intrigue, especially following from your latest posts in the Magic series. I will have to go back and read some of the earlier issues to gain better understanding, really impressive.

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    Jeff Taylor almost 2 years ago

    Think of this as the start of Book 2 ;)

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    Christopher almost 2 years ago

    Awesome, Jeff. (Last paragraph, first line, did you mean "heard"?)

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    Jeff Taylor almost 2 years ago

    Yep. Changed it. Thanks Christopher 😊

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