talcyon avatar

Snapped #2


Beep, beep, beep, beep...

Groggy, Harold opened his eyes. Well, his right eye anyway. Nothing was happening from the left. The big crack across his faceplate probably meant that his left eye was swollen shut. It certainly gave off enough pain to indicate that along with the nasty, metallic, taste of blood that filled his mouth and dripped from his chin.

He pulled himself upright and looked around. His console was utterly dead, with faint wisps of smoke and flame flickering behind it.

++ Leak detected ++

He automatically tore a patch and slapped it on on the cracked faceplate.

3 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Christopher about 2 years ago

    Glad to see this is a series after all.

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    Jeff Taylor about 2 years ago

    Only because someone was late to the movie!! 😄

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    Christopher about 2 years ago


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