talcyon avatar


I am very unfit right now.

So, unfit!

We went on holiday last year and I had a brief moment of mid-life-crisis, and decided to try surfing.

According to my smart-watch I nearly gave myself a heart attack! Oh dear. I came away from it with some internal bruises, a stark realisation and a bunch of embarrassing photos taken by the surf school.

While I was getting changed they asked if I just wanted my photos or all of them. My first reaction was "How creepy to have photos of everyone in class!"

"Nope! Just mine please!"

7 comments add one below

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    Christopher about 2 years ago

    I've had a lifelong fascination with surfing but never actually tried it. If I had never seen Jaws I might have given it a go. But I'm fond of my limbs and don't want one gnawed off! Still, kudos to you for giving it a go.

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    Jamie Clapperton about 2 years ago

    Good that you got out there and have the photograph to prove it ! ;-)

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    Jeff Taylor about 2 years ago

    Back to Windsurfing for me. It's a lot less exercise than hauling a board through the surf. Albeit a bit more complicated.

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    Jamie Clapperton about 2 years ago

    Just googled it and it looks a lot of exercise to me Jeff !

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    Jeff Taylor about 2 years ago

    Yeah, but if you learn on inland lakes it's a LOT gentler on you! :)

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    Jamie Clapperton about 2 years ago


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    VerityAlways about 2 years ago

    Windsurfing very tedious. But it's a feast for adrenaline junkies

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