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Magic #161


Tellerick examined the shell-shocked cadaver. Most of his rotten finery had been removed by Tamryn when they'd captured him. All that remained were grave-stained shirt and long pants tucked into loose boots.

"Marakel, do you remember me?"

The Lich looked up. "Yes. She... I am fate-bound with nothing more than a word."

Tellerick nodded. "Yes, yes she did." He sighed. "Never cross a Dragon."

"What happens now?"

"Well... William is the Augury of Destiny. Now we wait. The weapons of war will come for him. We must be ready to advise them and defend ourselves and Will."

11 comments add one below

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    Christopher over 2 years ago

    Nice trio of drabbles. It's been a bit quiet around here of late.

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    Jeff Taylor over 2 years ago

    Thanks Christopher 😊 This one rounds out this story. The gang is together. The End. I tried to not do other drabbles in the midst of this one. Which has taken place over years! It's been crazy, hasn't it? A Pandemic, an energy crisis, War in Europe of all places... It's bonkers. I need to spend a few hours copying the drabbles now to make sure I've got them all.

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    Christopher over 2 years ago

    I didn't know that was the end. It was quite a journey. You've left room for a possible sequel.

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    Jeff Taylor about 2 years ago

    Just need to turn it into a book now... Maybe 😊

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    Christopher about 2 years ago

    It would make a great one.

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    VerityAlways about 2 years ago

    Congratulations, Jeff! this was fun reading even though i started off from the middle, really enjoyed your imagination. Would love them in print and visual definitely!!

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    Jeff Taylor about 2 years ago

    Thank you Verity! 😊

  • avatar

    Jeff Taylor about 2 years ago

    I've consolidated the whole thing into a Word document. It's 55 pages. If you want a copy in PDF, let me know.

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    Christopher about 2 years ago

    Yes I would. You can email it to


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    VerityAlways about 2 years ago

    Jeff, can i have the honor of reading the pdf please?

  • avatar

    Jeff Taylor about 2 years ago

    On it's way.

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