talcyon avatar

Magic #160


The Dragon curled up, wrapping her tail around her. "Wake me up when my ingredients arrive. I've done too much today and must sleep." And with that she closed her eyes, tilted her head and opened her mouth so she could breath properly.

Tellerick and Tamryn rounded on Marakel.

"I should put him back in the ground Tellerick." Growled Tamryn, his book of the White Saints held firmly in his paw.

"I don't think you can anymore. Amethyst has wrapped him in fate and destiny. It's thick around him."

"You could dip him in chocolate sauce, he'd still be evil."

2 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Christopher over 2 years ago

    Great last line!

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    Jeff Taylor over 2 years ago

    I nearly made that the title Christopher 😊

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