talcyon avatar

Magic #153


Marakel dodged again, but it was obvious now that he was struggling. The child was here, he could feel him close by but it was dull, covered.

Kralla struck out again, this time catching him with a leg as she pirouetted around her last sword thrust. Marakel careened across the clearing and struck one of the charcoal drums, tipping it over and spilling Will and his father into the fray. Instantly Marakel reached for the boy and drew him close.

"Ah, ah! Kitty... You don't want to hurt the boy do you?"

Kralla roared as she skidded to a stop.

2 comments add one below

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    Christopher over 2 years ago

    I've said before that this would make a great movie. 30 years or so ago it would've had to be animated, but they could use CGI now to make a killer film.

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    Jeff Taylor over 2 years ago

    Thanks Christopher! :)

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