talcyon avatar

Magic #147


Kralla sped off down the road. Right now, she needed strength when she got to the boy, so she quickly settled into a long loping run that her pride used when running down plains lizards. It conserved energy while still allowing a fair amount of speed. Of course, she was far faster than anyone at the monastery. Except maybe for the dragon as she could fly.

But the dragon didn't know where the boy lived. She did.

Pads and claws dug into the packed road dirt, kicking up little puffs of brown dust as she sped towards the woodcutters' house.

4 comments add one below

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    Christopher over 2 years ago

    Run, Kralla!

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    Christopher over 2 years ago

    Man, I hate to keep doing this to you but this one is numbered 148 and it's supposed to be 147. (Sorry!!)

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    Christopher over 2 years ago

    This happened to me once with a Jake Randolph story, but fortunately Neville pointed it out before I went too far.

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    Jeff Taylor over 2 years ago

    Never try renumbering drabbles while recovering from a migraine. Hopefully I've got it right now.

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