talcyon avatar

Magic #139


Towering above them all the apex, Machiavellian, predator that was Amethyst looked smug. "Yes rat. Yes I am."

She looked down the towards the village as a small cart approached. On the back was a cage containing a man.

"What is this Siegmund?"

"Ah. The children captured a pirate. As you are here, I thought you would want to talk with him before he's put down."

"I'm tired Siegmund, and I have a raging headache. Why do I need to talk to a pirate of all people?"

"Well, this one is a little odd Ma'am."

"Really? How odd?"

"Very ma'am."

3 comments add one below

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    Jeff Taylor over 3 years ago

    Many thanks Drew. Much appreciated 😊

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    Christopher almost 3 years ago

    I echo Drew's sentiments, 11 months late and with Drew now MIA.

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    Jeff Taylor almost 3 years ago

    I sincerely hope Drew is safe and sound.

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