talcyon avatar

Magic #138


Skaran sat down with an audible thud. His tail straight out and a look of disbelief on his face, as the audacity of the whole thing sank in.

The dragon had infiltrated the dragon slayers guild completely, hoarded the best and even started supplying the guild with the most highly trained dragon slayers in the world. She'd then used those self-same dragon slayers as her personal police force to keep the other dragons in line.

It was... Spectacular. Not to mention, as an elder, the guild would only send her the best to slay her.

"Dammit Missy. You're good!"

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    Christopher almost 3 years ago

    I saw you had a new one posted and I checked to see if I had missed any and I had missed the two before it because they were posted while I was in exile away from the site. But I'm catching up now.

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