talcyon avatar

Magic #125


"DROP HIM NOW!" Roared Amethyst. Her huge wings outstretched blacked out the sun behind her as she towered over the remains of the barn.

Barnabas's Jaw dropped, as the enormity of having a dragon close by rammed itself home. Amethyst had shifted from friend to dangerous entity in a matter of seconds. It was something none of them were prepared for. Friend or foe, Amethyst was a force to be reckoned with.

Suddenly his mouth was clamped shut by a huge white paw as Kralla's arm wrapped around his chest and he was hoisted into the air by the tigress.

2 comments add one below

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    Frenchie about 4 years ago

    I am re-reading from the beginning. I love the story. It should be made as a story book. Is it something you would consider?

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    Jeff Taylor about 4 years ago

    Yes, I have considered moving it in that direction. 😊 High praise, thank you 😊

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