talcyon avatar

Magic #121


"Come out Dragon!" Shouted Albrecht. He, and his horse, stood outside the barn door.

"You can come in!" Replied Amethyst, loudly.

Albrecht paused. It hadn't been the response he usually got from a dragon. So this was it. He looked around and sighed, lowering his sword. Behind him, someway up the hill towards the forest, the others watched expectantly. At least he had an audience.

"Can I bring my horse?"

"Of course you can!" She said, a little lower this time. "Get your aging fat butt in here Albrecht. There's no need to make a scene out there. Tch! Honestly!"

2 comments add one below

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    Jeff Taylor about 4 years ago

    I suspect that most Dragons are a bit stiff, whereas Amethyst just can't be arsed anymore. 😉

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    Christopher almost 4 years ago

    If I ever require the services of a dragon I'm definitely going to look her up!

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