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Magic #112


Albrecht wiped his greying beard on his sleeve. "Gods dammit! The Mother of Dragons!" He coughed again. "Boy. Prepare our gear, we must leave as soon as possible."

"Sire? The 'Mother of Dragons'?"

"I recognise the description. This is an elder dragon that the guild has been trying to slay for centuries. It is a duty reserved for the experienced members of the guild."

"Like yourself sire?"

"Aye lad. Now run along and prepare. We must move quickly. This one is rarely down from its mountain in the North. Although I must wonder, boy, why is it so far south?"

2 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Christopher over 4 years ago

    Oh dear! I hope she's going to be alright.

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    Jeff Taylor over 4 years ago

    This is Amethyst we're talking about. She'll be fine! 😉

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