talcyon avatar

Magic #110


"She could always throw-up on him."

Kralla looked sharply at Skaran and they both shuddered simultaneously.

"Aye. Maybe not. That would not be a nice way to go."

"Skaran, keep thoughts like that to yourself please. Lest I have to tie your mouth shut."

"Sorry big cat. My mouth gets away from me sometimes."

"Hmmm... I had noticed." She smirked, and then looked across to Barnabas helping the monks load the animals. "I think we might have to hold Barnabas back initially. He's likely to get himself hurt if we don't."

"Aye lass. I've got rope at the ready."

2 comments add one below

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    Jeff Taylor over 4 years ago

    Daww! Thanks, Drew (Published author extraordinaire!) 😊

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    Christopher almost 4 years ago

    Sorry for taking so long to get back to this, Jeff. I was away for a bit and when I came back I started posting a story of my own.

    I'm anxious to see where this is heading now that I have quite a few to read back to back.

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