talcyon avatar

Magic #103


Kralla looked up from her sword, the whetstone halfway along its length. "Why are you huffing and puffing Fox?"

Barnabas took a moment to catch his breath.

"The abbot has sent a message to the dragon slayer guild about Amethyst."

Skaran's head snapped round. "He what!?"

Barnabas looked around, confused. "Where is master Tellerick and William?"

Kralla's whetstone slished the rest of the way down the shining blade, making it ring. "He went on ahead to take the boy home. The only people who know he's the augury are us and the dragon. Security in obscurity master Tellerick called it."

5 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Christopher over 4 years ago

    "Security in obscurity" is sound advice to everyone who posts their entire life on social media.

    (Second paragraph, should that read "Barnabas took"?)

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    Jeff Taylor over 4 years ago

    Darn it Christopher! Yes! That should read took. I'll sort it out now. 😉

  • avatar

    Jeff Taylor over 4 years ago

    All done Christopher. And thanks for pointing it out😊

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    Christopher over 4 years ago

    You're welcome. I always appreciate when someone does it for me. I try to proofread very carefully and still miss things.

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    Jeff Taylor over 4 years ago

    I know. The pain is real.

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