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Magic #81


Skaran squinted at the gloom of the fissure. "I know human eyes aren't all that great in the dark Master Tellerick. Shall I get you a torch?"

Tellerick smiled, before casting a tiny glow-spell above them all. "No need Skaran. I've got this one handled."

The warm yellow light from the glowing sphere filled the cave with shadows. Perhaps more than their own.

"You are all welcome to join us. It may be something you would want to do anyway. The Oracle will likely invite you in, so you may as well come along as well." He strode forward.

3 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt almost 5 years ago

    Safety in numbers maybe Master Tellerick? (I canโ€™t help wondering what the Oracle will look like. I keep thinking of a coracle - sounds like - but of course thatโ€™s a Welsh boat.)

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    Jamie Clapperton almost 5 years ago

    Love to have a glow spell conjured sphere for reading at night :-)

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    Jeff Taylor almost 5 years ago

    Coracles are a nightmare to use. You have to be a special kind of Welshman to use them. I've not had a go yet Neville!๐Ÿ˜€

    Jamie, I wrote a reply and then deleted it ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Nothing bad going on here Jamie. Just a geometry issue where multiple universes converge. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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