talcyon avatar

Magic #79


Amethyst shook her head, and turned away, sneezing again she emitted another cloud of greasy black smoke. "Sorry." She sniffed.

"The boy has no aura, he just 'is' if you understand my meaning. I'm truly at a loss, and would very much like to hear what the oracle has to say about him." She wiped her nose. "Intrigued, indeed. There may be interesting times ahead. Hmm?" She blew her nose loudly into the giant handkerchief she had brought out. "I'd be more interested in my ingredients first though. I think I'm running a temperature, and that's never a good thing!"

12 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt almost 5 years ago

    Love the mental image of her both wiping and blowing her nose! Eeeew! 🤢

  • avatar

    Jeff Taylor almost 5 years ago

    Just imagine a 5 ton 3 year Old with a runny nose 😏 It's gonna be messy, and toxic. That handkerchief is the size of a large beach towel! 😉

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt almost 5 years ago

    Haha! I think I’ll need therapy after that mental image!

  • avatar

    Jamie Clapperton almost 5 years ago

    Hope Amethysts' cold gets better.I If I wasn't off work today I might have called in sick. With missing aura suspense.;-)))

  • avatar

    Christopher almost 5 years ago

    Finally caught up with this. I'm still seeing this as a CGI-animated feature movie. Too bad I don't have any connections in Hollyweird or I'd hook you up, Jeff!

  • avatar

    Jeff Taylor almost 5 years ago

    Thanks, Christopher! As it happens, one of my friends is an award-winning Special effects person. In fact, he's been working on the new "His Dark Materials" series about to air and is currently working on series 2. He's also been prodding me for content to pitch to Netflix. Apparently they're looking for new content. Sadly though, it's unlikely to be this.

    Sorry to all for being off the air. Jamie's no doubt seen me skulking around Facebook, but I've been a "Bit off" 😅

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt almost 5 years ago

    Sorry about you being a ‘bit off’ Jeff. I hope you’ve a period of being ‘not off’ now. 🤞

  • avatar

    Jeff Taylor almost 5 years ago

    Thanks Drew. Much appreciated. At least I can type a coherent sentence today. These storms are a nightmare right now. Damn you Jet Stream! Damn yoouu! 😉

  • avatar

    Jeff Taylor almost 5 years ago

    And thanks, Neville, too. The weather is not doing my brain any good right now. That darn little lizard left-over keeps freaking out every time a storm comes across the country and giving me a migraine.

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt almost 5 years ago

    Sorry about that Jeff. I know you’re very migraine prone; it sounds awful. You’d think they’d have a decent treatment if not cure by now given that they can get to Mars!

  • avatar

    Jeff Taylor almost 5 years ago

    Pah! Mars, shmars. That's just rocket science! The brain is a fickle and unkind mistress when it wants to be! 😉

  • avatar

    Jeff Taylor almost 5 years ago

    Thanks for the suggestion, Drew. I know about feverfew, it's been amongst my pharmaceutical cornucopia in amongst all the other custom molecular medicine ;)

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