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Magic #77


William peered out from behind Barnabas at the enormous Dragon. Amethyst squinted at him. "And now I am intrigued." She looked straight at Master Tellerick. "You are here because of the little one Master Tellerick?"

"Aye madam, we are. He is a natural magic-user."

Amethyst sat up. "Come out little one. Let me get a better look at you." William held tightly onto Barnabas. She leaned forward once more. "Now where is your aura child?"

Now it was Tellerick's turn to frown. "Can you see something madam?"

She looked quizzically at William once more. "The boy's aura is missing."

3 comments add one below

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    Frenchie almost 5 years ago

    And the plot thickens...

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    Neville Hunt almost 5 years ago

    It really is getting intriguing.

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    Jeff Taylor almost 5 years ago

    Thanks all. Really glad you're enjoying it all 😊

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