talcyon avatar

Magic #75


Tellerick took the proffered paper from the dragons' claws as she delicately handed it to him.

He quickly glanced over it. "I might be able to help you with some of these actually."

"Really?" Said Amethyst. Trying to stifle a cough.

"Well, our village pub makes a very fine whiskey. I think they have a few casks stored away. It's a lot of honey though. That would be a trip into the city market for that, and I doubt that they would appreciate a dragon turning up on their doorstep. I'm sure that we could mediate for your gracious self?"

8 comments add one below

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    Frenchie almost 5 years ago

    Aha! Whiskey, honey...

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    Neville Hunt almost 5 years ago

    I hope Amethyst stay as nice as she has been so far. Does honey pass for money in her kingdom Jeff?

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    Jeff Taylor almost 5 years ago

    A Dragon with a nasty cold and a sore throat. Hmm... Honey ain't currency, but when you're staring down the muzzle of a throat that's on fire, it can only help Neville ;)

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    Neville Hunt almost 5 years ago

    Thanks Jeff... silly me, I hadn’t twigged. Nice one. I’m really enjoying the characters in this story! I particularly like Amethyst.

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    Frenchie almost 5 years ago

    Me too. And Amethyst is a great name too!

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    Jeff Taylor almost 5 years ago

    That's unlike you not to twig early Neville! You're usually pointing out my spelling mistakes and poor grammar! You feeling ok?

    Thanks, Frenchie. I dunno, it just kind'a sprung to mind as a good name. :)

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    Jamie Clapperton almost 5 years ago

    Apologies to the Lovely Amethyst for my earlier trepidation. :-))

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    Jeff Taylor almost 5 years ago

    I'm sure she'd be ok about it Jamie 😉

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