talcyon avatar

Magic #74


"Bless you!" Shouted Barnabas over the thunderous roar of flame.

Amethyst sniffed again, and wiped her nose. "Thank you sir. You wouldn't happen to be popping in to see the Oracle would you?"

"We are madam. May we assume that we can be of service?" Said Tellerick.

"Oh! Would you? So many thanks." She pulled at a set of scales on her chest, opening them like a purse. "Now... Where's that piece of paper?" She sniffed loudly again, before pulling out a large sheet. "I have a recipe, but I thought the Oracle might know where to find the ingredients?"

7 comments add one below

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    Jamie Clapperton almost 5 years ago

    That last line's left me slightly apprehensive...;-))

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    Jeff Taylor almost 5 years ago

    Why Jamie? Dragons are trustworthy! 😉

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    Christopher almost 5 years ago

    I still say this would make a great movie. Either live action with a lot of CGI or a computer-animated film.

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    Neville Hunt almost 5 years ago

    I like Amethyst; she seems like a nice girl! I’ve known a few fire-breathing old dragons in my time (glad I didn’t marry one though) but we have to live and let live, I suppose. I’m not sure they’re good for the CO2 levels though, but they’ve been great for lighting up the barbecue!

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    Jeff Taylor almost 5 years ago

    Thanks, Christopher! That's a massive compliment!

    Neville... Just be glad she doesn't have the runs 😉 Remember if it's not one end that's dribbling, it's often the other.

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    Frenchie almost 5 years ago

    I am intrigued. Tuesday will be my day off, I am going to read from the beginning.

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    Jeff Taylor almost 5 years ago

    Thanks Frenchie! I hope you enjoy! 😊

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