talcyon avatar

Magic #66


Kralla looked back down the trail. "Tamryn, and the Order, must have been trailing us since we left."

"Aye" nodded Skaran. "But he knew damn well that there were undead up here. He could've told us!"

"He used me as his bait. I shine brightly to the undead. He knew that I'd draw out whatever was controlling them. That's why he sent me with you." Sighed Barnabas. "He knew I'd be safe with you all."

"What's done is done. The cave of the Oracle is a little way above the snowline. We shall be there soon, hopefully." Said Master Tellerick.

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    Neville Hunt about 5 years ago

    What a rotter is that Tamryn! Btw, Jeff, I love the names of your characters.

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