talcyon avatar

Magic #65


Skaran, deftly sprang up, popped the daisy into Kralla's hat and barely managed to avoid her playful swipe on the way back down.

"Aww! Why so grumpy cat? If anyone should be feeling hard done by, it should be our boy Barnabas!"

"That's true rat." Kralla turned to the fox, while re-arranging the daisy to stay put. "Are you alright Barnabas?"

"Oh, I'm fine thanks. I'm not the first to be thrown beneath a cart by Master Tamryn. I'll wager I'll not be the last either! He's kind'a known for it. He's also known for taking care as well."

6 comments add one below

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    Jeff Taylor about 5 years ago

    Wow. 300 drabbles! Nowhere near what some have done (Neville, Christopher etc... 😉) It's also been nearly a year since starting this series. Copying it all into a Word doc, keeping the titles, all told it's 6700 words and 20 pages of A4. Not a bad piece of flash-fic-fantasy 😊

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    Jamie Clapperton about 5 years ago

    Certainly isn't. :-) And this chapter's made me feel safe around Kralla. For now...

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    Christopher about 5 years ago

    Congrats, Jeff. Those of us that have a lot of drabbles comes from posting so many serials. Your numbers rack up fast when you've done several of those.

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    Jeff Taylor about 5 years ago

    I'm a rookie compared to you guys Christopher! 😉

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    Christopher about 5 years ago

    Only in quantity, Jeff. Not in quality.

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    Neville Hunt about 5 years ago

    Congratulations Jeff on the milestone.
    Sorry, I had missed this earlier somehow. This is a terrific and engaging story in which I like all the characters each of which you have developed brilliantly. I still have no idea where it’s going, but I will enjoy the journey. As Christopher says, the only way we’ve posted so many drabbles is via series. If it doesn’t fit in 100 words... serialise it... and when you give yourself permission to serialise, then it often puffs out it’s chest and expands e.g. Christopher’s recent excellent Jakeathon.

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