talcyon avatar

Magic #64


The ground became difficult as they started to climb the mountain proper. Emerging from the mists that clung to the peaks above like a skirt, they were almost blinded by the brilliant sunshine. The air here was clear, crisp; a splash of ice-cold spring water to the face.

Kralla pulled her hat out of her pack and jammed it onto her head. Her cookie shaped ears poking through the bespoke covered holes.

"A flower for your hat dear lady?" Asked Skaran as he waved a daisy at her, grinning insanely.

"I'll flower you..." She growled back, baring a fang.

4 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt about 5 years ago

    Lovely imagery of mists clinging to peaks above like a skirt.

    But what a meanie is that cat!

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    Jamie Clapperton about 5 years ago

    Agree with Neville , and Skaran with the flower was a giggle. :-))

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    Christopher about 5 years ago

    I could feel the air. Nice description.

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    Jeff Taylor about 5 years ago

    Thanks all. Sorry again for not posting more often. Although now Jamie has tracked me down on Facebook... 😉 Skaran has a dangerous sense of humour.

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