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Magic #60


Marakel looked at the group. "It seems, Tamryn, that I have quite a good bargaining chip in play."

Tamryn laughed. "Seriously Marakel?" He turned back to the tree-line. "Lads!?" Through the brush came the monks of the Order of Sadrymar.

Marakel glowered at Tamryn as he turned back to face the Lord of Misery.

"You were always a downer Tamryn. Never any fun at all." He graciously bowed, flinging his arms out wide.

Suddenly, the weight pressing them to ground disappeared and Kralla bunched to pounce.

"Ah! No! Kitty! Maybe we will meet again after my words with Tamryn."

7 comments add one below

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    Jeff Taylor about 5 years ago

    Thanks, Drew! 😊

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    Christopher about 5 years ago

    Another great entry. Just don't make us wait so long for the next one!

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    Jeff Taylor about 5 years ago

    Sorry Christopher for the wait. It's been a bit rough just recently, and my brain does NOT appreciate the weather changing so much. This series is over the hump now, and the end is in sight. Hopefully this could be a good outline for a book. Get a little more depth and scope. Maybe touch on Tamryn and Marakel's relationship and expand it a little more. I don't know... We'll see what happens 😊

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    Christopher about 5 years ago

    I completely understand. Mine isn't so much the weather as it is just blocking out enough time to actually get some reading and writing done.

    And I think this is the perfect outline for a novel. Great characters to delve into and expand upon.

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    Jeff Taylor about 5 years ago

    Thanks Christopher, Drew! I think it might feel a little more real because I've been deliberately avoiding tortuous, high fantasy "Old speak" I can see our heroes talking to a high elf that speaks that way and thinking "What the hell is this old duffer on about?" (And suddenly Jacob Rees-Mogg springs to mind) 😉 Not to mention my horribly shameless pop-culture references. Like the title of this one, which is from this weeks BBC's Ghosts.

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    Jeff Taylor about 5 years ago

    I must admit. He's one of the few politicians where I hear him open his mouth and have to fight the urge to figuratively beat him to a pulp with a baseball bat. Thank goodness I have an imagination, and control of the English language. I write it down instead of going to prison. Sorry. He really does wind me up the wrong way. Like Boris does...

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    Neville Hunt about 5 years ago

    I’m really getting back into this great series, Jeff. Been v.busy recently. Love the political discussion. I personally would like to ‘nut’ J R-M, who is an utter twannet (new word I hope specially for him)... but at least he’s not really Machiavellian, like what Bozza is. Bozza’s a trunt (where the first part is a foreshortening of treacherous).

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