talcyon avatar

Magic #53


Kralla charged at the remaining skeletal warriors. Her twin swords were useless as cutting and slashing weapons in this case, but as crushing bludgeons?

The first skeleton exploded in a mist of chards and broken bones, as she parried the next, and danced into the middle of the group. Swords singing, and Kralla roaring at the top of her voice, she span and dodged. Landing crushing blows, she quickly whittled them down in a breathless tornado of spinning swords and curses.

Panting heavily, as the last one went down, she turned back to her charges and stamped back to them.

6 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt over 5 years ago

    Extremely visual Jeff. She sure is a scary cat.
    (Did you mean a question mark at end of para 1?)

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    Neville Hunt over 5 years ago

    PS love the title too!🙂

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    Jeff Taylor over 5 years ago

    The question mark was intentional. But by questioning my use of the question you have me questioning my decision to use it. I imagined Kralla using scimitars. So a few pounds of folded steel would make a good bludgeon. It just happens to have a sharp edge 😉

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    Jeff Taylor over 5 years ago

    I tried to make is as visual as possible. This enormous, whirling dervish of white tiger going absolutely bonkers in the middle of a group of skele's. Bits flying everywhere etc... Hopefully you watched it in your mind's eye and, by the sounds of it, enjoyed it too. Thanks Neville! (Getting names right today... I think...)

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    Neville Hunt over 5 years ago

    Ah! Got ya. Now I understand the question mark. Sorry for trying to be a smartarse and questioning it Jeff. Certainly had a lot of mental visual imagery with this one. It would make a fabulous film...Ridley Scott maybe?

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    Jeff Taylor over 5 years ago

    Neville... Keep questioning! You've pointed out loads of mistakes I've made over the past few hundred drabbles. And every single one has been appreciated. Can't improve if you don't point this stuff out!!

    Glad you've enjoyed it Drew (Correct name) now for a breather section 😉

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