talcyon avatar

Magic #52


Kralla eyed the archer in the distance and grabbed Skaran's backpack, with him still wearing it.

"Grab your tail. Arms in. Legs in." Deflecting another arrow with her buckler, she roared and threw Skaran straight at the skeletal soldier with all her might.

The impact knocked the breath out of Skaran, but it was more than enough to knock the archer onto its back. Frantically, fighting off the skeleton's grabbing claws, Skaran dismembered the bones. Scattering them as he went.

Kralla turned to the remaining soldiers that had hung back. Pulling her twin scimitars from her back she roared again.

4 comments add one below

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    Jeff Taylor over 5 years ago

    Many thanks Drew 😊

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    Neville Hunt over 5 years ago

    This is terrific, Jeff. I love ‘with him still wearing it’ ! Poor Skaran though, an animate cannonball.

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    Jeff Taylor over 5 years ago

    Thanks Neville. It was a question of how to cross the distance to an archer in the fastest way possible without getting shot. Fortunately we have a giant warrior tigress to hand, and a poor packrat who didn't know what was going on.

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    Jamie Clapperton about 5 years ago

    Go Kralla! Sorry Skaran..

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