talcyon avatar

Magic #49


Kralla and Skaran looked nervously at the charging horde of undead skeletons. "Is this a 'White of their eyes' thing Tellerick? Because if it isn't, it was nice knowing you."

"Kralla, now is not the time... Barnabas, when I say, cast a turn undead. I won't lie, this is probably going to hurt. A lot. But me, more than you. Alright?" Barnabas nodded as Tellerick placed both hands on his shoulders. "We need to get as many in close as we can. Kralla, Skaran, you will need to clean up. I'm not going to be able to help you out."

3 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt over 5 years ago

    Sounds like they’ll be fighting in undeadly earnest. It’s amazing how aggressive these half-rotted undeadies seem to be. Hardly resting in peace.

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    Jeff Taylor over 5 years ago

    Shambling skele's seem a little silly to me. If you want front-line soldiers, you want them to be fast on their feet, and permanently pissed off. That's how I'd want my undead minions anyway. A force to be reckoned with and scary as hell! 😉

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    Jeff Taylor over 5 years ago

    Yes. Yes she is. I think that it's the firm knowledge that you're eight feet of muscled Tiger with huge claws that gives her some confidence in her abilities. 😉

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