talcyon avatar

Magic #46


Tellerick placed a hand on Barnabas's shoulder. "You're not done yet lad. I can't turn the undead. That's your job. But we can give you all the support you need."

"But... The protection? I thought..."

Tellerick laughed out loud as the Knight, and its cohorts, stomped towards them.

"Lad. Take a deep breath. The old badger wouldn't have sent you with us if he didn't think you'd last more than five minutes. But we need to make the most of you." He opened the palm of his hand, and beckoned. "Hand it over now. We need to light a beacon."

4 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt over 5 years ago

    Loved the imagery created by the use of the word ‘stomped’.

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    Jeff Taylor over 5 years ago

    How was it in your head?

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt over 5 years ago

    Robotic and clonky!

  • avatar

    Jeff Taylor over 5 years ago

    Thanks Drew :)

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