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Magic #17


"Is he..?"

"Yes, Master Tellerick. He's a honey badger to be clear. I'm surprised at you Tellerick. I never pegged you as discriminatory. The sundering of species wasn't our fault you know."

"I know. Please accept my apologies. I am a grumpy old man."

Kralla playfully punched him in the arm. "Apology accepted. Best keep the grump to yourself old man. Don't go teaching the boy bad habits."

"I trust that you will put me straight if I do that Kralla. I'll need you to take care of the boy if anything happens as well... Return him to his father..."

3 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt about 6 years ago

    I’m a little confused now, but that’s nothing new. Still enjoying this Jeff and wondering where it, and they are going.

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    Jeff Taylor about 6 years ago

    Whoah Drew!? Did I touch a nerve or something? "Oh Sod you.." Ouch! 😊 Never had that kind of reaction before! 😊 At least Tellerick is aware of his own casual prejudice. He is trying you know!

    And thanks Neville. Although I am unsure as to why thou art confused. They're going to see the Oracle in the mountains. Quite straight-forward πŸ˜‰

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    Jeff Taylor about 6 years ago

    Already Drew? The guy has had a kid dumped on him, and so far he's only been to the pub for a drink and to hire some muscle! 😊

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