talcyon avatar

Magic #5


The boy stood outside the shop as a newly minted traveller beneath a, shin length, waxed cape. Behind him, his backpack gave him the appearance of a hunchback, while the hood flopped down over his face so he could only see the floor from its dark recess.

"It's heavy" He grumbled.

The mage stood next to him. "It will get heavier boy. But also lighter. Travelling is never a comfortable business."

"Isn't there a train?"

"Not into the mountains boy! Good grief, it's dangerous up there! There is one to the foothills though, you will be glad to know of."

8 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt about 6 years ago

    Love the very visual description in para 1, Jeff.... and grumbling kids...surprised he didn’t ask for a teleportation machine rather than a train!

  • avatar

    Jeff Taylor about 6 years ago

    I just imagined some kid in a poncho at Disneyland that's been told they can have whatever he wants, but they has to carry it. Then discovering that maybe that wasn't such a good idea. :)

  • avatar

    Jeff Taylor about 6 years ago

    Oh dear. Brain failure. Please ignore my poor English.

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt about 6 years ago

    No worries...it was probably autocorrect again that was the guilty party!

  • avatar

    Jeff Taylor about 6 years ago

    No. Actual brain failure this time. I was apparently slurring today, couldn't walk straight, blurred vision. Wouldn't be so bad, but I haven't been drinking! < sigh >

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    Neville Hunt about 6 years ago

    Hope you’re OK, Jeff. Mrs H and I had a bug recently that makes you feel dizzy which didn’t last long. Could be that.

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    Jeff Taylor about 6 years ago

    No. Twas but another migraine. Thanks for the concern though 😊

  • avatar

    Jeff Taylor about 6 years ago

    I wish Drew! And thanks 😊

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