talcyon avatar


"What's our ETA at the Titan Orbital?"

"About three hours captain."

"Is it still following us?"

"Yes sir. One hundred and ninety klicks sir. It's, erm... Slowly closing on us."

"Damn it! What're the drive cone temperatures?"

"Sustained, fourteen hundred degrees. About a two hundred degree margin."

"Too close for comfort. Thank goodness we had the cones upgraded to titanium ceramic composite at the last berth. Votes on driving her harder. I don't want that thing grabbing us as we dock."

Hands around the bridge went up.

"That settles it. Mister Leeson, up the ships core output and make haste."

2 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt about 7 years ago

    Go Leeson, go! Get your cosmic arse in gear pronto! (Exciting stuff, Jeff)

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    Jeff Taylor about 7 years ago

    Thanks Neville 😊

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