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"How in the hell did you break in?"

"Heh. Used a Candiru attack."

"Candiru? Isn't that?"

"Yeah, the tiny little catfish that swims up your dick. The plane uses a satellite tracking system. It's two-way. So I hacked the sat base station. Could you believe they left a telnet port open? I mean... Really! Then followed the transponder signal back to the plane."

"How much control do you have?"

"Well... It depends on whether you want to crash it, crash it hard or just want it to fall out of the sky."

"What about not crashing?"

"Er... Too late?"

5 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Christopher over 7 years ago

    Holy crap! I've never heard of that fish. I Googled it. I definitely won't be going swimming in the Amazon Basin any time soon! Great drabble, Jeff. Taught me something I didn't know.

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    Jeff Taylor over 7 years ago

    That's why they invented tight Speedo's ;)

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    Christopher over 7 years ago

    I'm not sure what would be worse. A fish swimming up my junk or me in tight Speedo's!

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    Jeff Taylor over 7 years ago

    LOL 😄

  • avatar

    Jeff Taylor about 7 years ago

    Thanks Drew ☺

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