talcyon avatar


There was a flash of light.

Then the hot wind blew across the city. The buildings stumbled to the ground, screeching and thundering as they fell into their rubble.

Only then did the people look up. Their clothes, and hair, and skin, burned and hanging.

Red raw, and screaming they ran to the blackened river. The thirst of their wounds drove them to drink from the waters.

Others stumbled amongst the shadows of their fellow citizens, dust rising from their scorched feet or drifted from walls as they were touched by mutilated hands

So many lay down to sleep forever.

3 comments add one below

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    Jeff Taylor about 8 years ago

    Many thanks. I've written a fair amount of horror, but it all pales in comparison to the real thing. It's the writers gift, and curse, to be able to walk alongside those who have fallen. Even when separated by so many miles, and so much time.

    You should peer through the veil, and write what you see too.

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    Michael D. Brooks about 8 years ago

    Wow. What a powerfully disturbing story.

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    Jeff Taylor about 8 years ago

    Many thanks Michael. Such a shame that it's based on real life :'(

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