talcyon avatar


Touch me

Leonard reached down, and ran his fingertips up her arm. "I can't do this..." He mumbled, reaching behind her, searching for the zip pull.

Touch me

He pulled the dress down, caressing her side as it came away in his hands.

Touch me

He fumbled clumsily at the bra catch.

Touch me

A tear in his eye, he firmly twisted her arm until there was a snap. He held it in his hands, trembling, before he disassembled the rest of her life-like plastic body.

He closed the lid on the box.

Don't leave me in the dark...

2 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Jeff Taylor over 8 years ago

    Thanks :)

  • avatar

    Frenchie over 8 years ago

    Got me there for a moment :-) great !

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