talcyon avatar

Alice through the looking glass #40


Caitlin was bundled into the back of a huge, matt black, Hummer at the rear of the hotel. Between her room, and the monstrous vehicle, every single room and corridor had a burly man, or woman, blocking it. They all spoke urgently into the headsets they wore.

Finally sitting in the back of the Hummer, the big black guy smiled and relaxed. He handed her a phone. "Give it a second bunny. You need to talk to your Ma'n Pa." The phone rang, and automatically opened a video link.

"Honey!? Are you OK?"

"Yeah mum. I'm fine."

"Oh thank God!"

3 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Isaac Grant over 8 years ago

    Good so far.
    Why murder tag?

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    Jeff Taylor over 8 years ago

    The A.I's "Father" was murdered using a Quantum Entangled poison. See part 1 of the series ;)

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    Jeff Taylor over 8 years ago

    Gaagh! Cannot.. Edit.. Comments!!!! Sorry if I've just spoiled the story for some people! >:(

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