sullyiswriting avatar

Venusian Legacy


Her carapace was washed over with a bleak soot colour, the natural green of her outer skin now became one with the backdrop: empty fields and dragging gusts, the moon like a bowl in the darkness, the shimmering close eye of Adame, nearest celestial body to ours claimed the To-Fortune people. The largest entity in the night sky besides the moon and sun.
If recalled correctly, By-Fire noticed her two final followers depart two hours earlier. This trek was considered futile by them. They questioned her ferocity. By-Fire did not contest them, she hadn't stopped like them.

2 comments add one below

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    VerityAlways almost 2 years ago

    Interesting tangents, Sully. Your imagination amazes me

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    sully almost 2 years ago

    I really appreciate that Verity, thank you.

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