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Dead for a while - all curled up, and rigid, I noticed.
Course dark, brown hair confirmed it was, indeed, an outdoor one.
I was impressed by the cardboard, 'paddle-like' device - improvised to cast it out - that never quite made the trial stages.
It impressed me even more that one family member had the good sense to shut it in. After all, you can never be absolutely sure when a dead mouse is going to make a bolt for an open door!
A doggy-bag was my chosen disposal tool.
I always fancied being in a 'Mouse-tin' Rescue Team!

4 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt about 2 months ago

    'Mouse-tin' Rescue.... groaaaan! Nice one though, Michael! Keep 'em coming!

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    Michael Cunliffe about 2 months ago

    Thank you, Neville. Great to hear from you. I hope you are well.
    I've been very busy of late - plus a touch of 'c-difficile' from Turkey took six months to get past!
    You might want to check out 'Hell Hides in Many Hollows' - Cam, Lambert & Spiwak on Amazon for an insight. Best Regards. Michael

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    Michael Cunliffe about 2 months ago

    Thank you, Chris. Much appreciated. :)
    I hope you are well too?
    Good to hear from you.
    Ditto the comment about 'Hell Hides in Many Hollows.'
    Best Regards,

    Also three Drabbles together - accepted today by magazine Tremble With Fear.
    I'll let you know and Neville know when they'll be published.


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    Neville Hunt about 2 months ago

    Michael. Having read the write up on Amazon of Michael Spiwak’s story, I hope I have not misunderstood and trivialised the story of the mouse. Were you by any chance involved with the ‘Hell Hides….’ book in any way. Are you even Michael Spiwak himself and it’s your story?? It looks like a fascinating, if tragic tale. My own fleeting visit to Ukraine was fun, although not without its scary moments. Sorry to hear about the c-difficile… it sounds grim. Hope you’re over it now🤞?

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