sophiesalmon16 avatar


I walk about the cacti and look for herbs, with my basket in my hand I pick leaves, pull roots, break branches. I am looking for plants to help us survive our long trip north. Before the snow melted and the plague hit, I worked at a hospital as a nurse. About a year ago I found a medicinal herb book and became the doctor for our group of about fifty people. We are leaving the desert and heading north because it’s gotten to hot and the northern lands are a little less harsh. We leave in about a week.

2 comments add one below

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    D.M. over 9 years ago

    Welcome! 'Sounds like a series developing here! 'Looking forward to reading more.
    (Mention one particular elusive herb for more power.)

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    Kimberly about 9 years ago

    I would think this is the beginning of something...

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