sjgunn avatar


“Witch! Witch! Burn the bitch!” The sheriff dragged her to the pyre.
“Don’t give your emotions away.” She whispered.
“But you are innocent.” He held back tears as he lashed her to the pole.
“Hold this.” He said pressing an amulet into her hand. He whispered something.
The flames roared and danced at her feet. She screamed.

The sheriff took her body to a secret cave and uncovered her. Finding the amulet, he began chanting. The flesh on Cassandra’s body began knitting together. He leaned across and kissed her.
“You are a Warlock”
“I love you.”
The Warlock smiled.

6 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Peter Humfrey over 7 years ago

    Gripping and intense. I'm hooked!

    Looking forward to hearing more about Cassandra.

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    Neville Hunt over 7 years ago

    I love a happy ending, SJ! :-)

  • avatar

    S J Gunn over 7 years ago

    Yes, I like happy endings too! :-)

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt over 7 years ago

    Chez Paul, Angouleme has a very long inside seating area with a very happy ending too as you go out into a rather fine outside seating area where you dine with a giraffe! And if that doesn't make you happy nothing will.

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    S J Gunn over 7 years ago

    How about a meet up in Angouleme for a coffee at some point? :-)

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    Neville Hunt over 7 years ago

    A good idea when my pal invites us to stay chez-leur!

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