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The motionless body lay on the ground. I was happy. I got my weapon of mass destruction and went on the hunt again. My next prey did not see me coming. The ‘whoosh’ in the air as another victim was added to my count. But he was still twitching so I used my weapon again, this time I made sure he was dead. I turned around and spotted another antagoniser. Murder weapon raised, I swooped down. Bzzzzzzz “Yes!” Another one dead! I searched for the dustpan and brush, sweeping up the dead bodies I dump the flies into the bin.

4 comments add one below

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    S J Gunn almost 8 years ago

    Thank you Drew! :-)

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    Neville Hunt almost 8 years ago

    This is great SJ...however, I thought it was one of those 'tennis raquet' type affairs (I've got one - great sport), but I realised when I saw Drew's comment that the raquet isn't WMD but a WHESD - a weapon of hugely enjoyable singular destruction! :-)

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    Lisa Williams almost 8 years ago

    Fab! Cat here usually on the case regardless of what's in her way X

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    S J Gunn over 7 years ago

    Thank you Steve Williams and Andre M. Pietroschek. I guess us humans have our good and bad sides towards our animal neighbours :-0

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