sjgunn avatar


Do cunning linguists snore less?
It’s the exercise that improves their best.
Do cunning linguists get around more?
Their talents are in-demand that’s for sure!
Do cunning linguists stay in one place?
Or are they always up in your face?
Do cunning linguists speak the same tongue?
I hear the rivalry is a competitive one!
Do cunning linguists travel afar?
I hear they can use their talents even in a car.
Do cunning linguists have air-miles?
I believe it may be part of their many styles.
Do cunning linguists travel abroad?
With their talents clients are never bored!

2 comments add one below

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    Lisa Williams almost 8 years ago

    Ha! Tickled me X

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    S J Gunn almost 8 years ago

    Thank you for your comments Lisa, Drew and Snow! I wrote this because of a joke my parter and I had. I had great fun writing this :-)

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