sjgunn avatar

Rent #1


Sandy finished work. She made her way back to the flat. “Why do they do that?” She asked herself. Finally, she got to her sanctuary. Once inside she made her way to the bathroom and stripped off. After a minute her tears flowed and mixed with the warm water. She washed herself…down there. She simply needed the money. Fully changed, she left her flat and walked downstairs. After a firm knock the door opened. She handed over the rent money. “You can get free rent. Yes?” Three hours later, her cheeks smarting and red, she cried in the shower again.

4 comments add one below

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    Peter Humfrey about 8 years ago

    This deserves a book! :)

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    S J Gunn about 8 years ago

    Thank you Peter :-)

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    S J Gunn about 8 years ago

    @jehode Thanks :-P I wanted to do something closer to real life.

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    Neville Hunt about 8 years ago

    Excellent stuff, S. J. I'm weeping with her!

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