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That horrible dream kept coming back: there I was, a birthday girl at the local gas station purchasing the winning lottery ticket for the MegaMillion jackpot.

As a devout Christian, I condemn gambling and other greedy activities. However, this dreadful nightmare made me feel shamefully happy and put my virtues in danger.

So, on my birthday, I resolved to resist Evil and locked myself home. The dream did not return.

The same night, some sleazy socialite from Miami stole the lucky numbers from my dream and won the Mega Million jackpot.

Some people have no decency, no decency at all.

4 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt almost 9 years ago

    I really like this, Olga. Great to see you drabbling again; I liked your earlier work.

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    Olga Klezovitch almost 9 years ago

    Thanks, Neville. I just wish that I would be as productive as you are :-) ! Every new Drabble for me is like giving birth to a child.

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    D.M. almost 9 years ago

    Good one! I echo the sentiments above.

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    Lorna Megenity almost 9 years ago

    Ha! Ha! Tell me it's not true.

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