singlechild avatar

My First Night Out


Her yummy, scarlet lips added an unexpected flavor to her pale complexion. “Can I sit here?” She nodded.

The movie theatre was completely empty, projecting some low-budget horror for our private enjoyment. From an awkward silence coming from my side, she inferred I was a novice. Her big mouth stretched into an encouraging smile as she stroked my elbow.

What should I start with? She noticed the corkscrew sticking from my backpack and beamed with anticipation.

So, the corkscrew it is, then. Frankly, I would rather use the chainsaw but I suppose it can wait till my next time.

2 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt over 9 years ago

    Progressing gradually from corkscrew to chainsaw should build the anticipation nicely. Great concepts; great reading. Will there be a Part 3?

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    Olga Klezovitch over 9 years ago

    I wish!
    I am currently working on a scientific (=serious) review for my work so, infortunately, my weak and fragile mind cannot handle two different writing formats at the same time :-(...

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