singlechild avatar


I am exhausted of playing a perfect husband. I dream about inappropriate stuff and I crave interaction with strangers. Surprisingly, when I confessed my feelings to my wife, she patted my shoulder and said that she wouldn’t mind - as long as I didn’t shame our family name, kept things clean and came home for dinner.

Ecstatic, I ran downstairs to pack for my night out. Corkscrew, Pocket Knife, chainsaw, rubbing alcohol, Band-Aids: everything seemed to be in place.

Still have a few hours to kill before supper. Last kiss to my beloved wife and I disappear into the darkness.

4 comments add one below

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    D.M. over 9 years ago

    Creepy list! She says keep it clean? You have me thinking dark thoughts, Olga.

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    T. Willemann over 9 years ago

    Giving space in a relationship is so important!

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    Olga Klezovitch over 9 years ago

    Drew, please do not follow him by yourself. I kind of feel responsible...

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    Neville Hunt over 9 years ago

    I'm impressed with the inclusion of the Band-Aids. At least he plans a little A & E care afterwards. I can't wait for Part 2!

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