singlechild avatar


I feel ashamed for being alive. My husband avoids me, my teenage daughter hates my guts, my housekeeping sucks, and I have no income. My life is worth exactly $20K. This is what my family will get if I die from a natural cause. Definitely not enough to make them love me back.

On the other hand, my husband’s natural death will make his insurance broke and me filthy rich. Which means no more guilt, no hate – only my daughter’s unconditional love, lots of it.

So, it is decided: I stay and my hubby goes - as naturally as possible.

5 comments add one below

  • avatar

    D.M. over 9 years ago

    'Love that last phrase! I immediately make a list of how in my mind! Good one!

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    Rodindeadpan over 9 years ago

    Another really good drabble.

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    Brandon Sutton over 9 years ago

    The last line is so perfectly devious, it is infinitely entertaining. Great work!

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    Che bk201 over 9 years ago

    it is really a very agreeable idea . I like mostly the last sentence . I actually find it funny .

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    Neville Hunt over 9 years ago

    You have a gift for endings.

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