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Jenny wrote the list on the white pad she kept by the ‘phone.

Take up smoking. Twenty per day.
Take up drinking. Spirits. Whisky. Bottle a day?
Harder drugs? Research. Psychedelic?
Meaningless sex.
Travel. See the world. Blow savings.
Overeat. Chocolate.
Break the law once each day.

She studied the list: a catalogue of things she’d never done. She’d led a sin-free life; she’d never even needed to make resolutions before. But the diagnosis changed everything. A year left, the doctors said. Despite all her goodness, a year.
Well. She’d make damn sure it was a year to remember.

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  • avatar

    Gayle Beveridge over 10 years ago

    This story really packs a punch, Simon.So tragic. I can only imagine the sense of injustice a good person must feel on receiving a death sentence. I wonder would someone evil feel the same or be more philosophical and see it as a judgement on their poor life choices.

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