sheepdogowner avatar


She was only part-time. But she was a reader and that made her the one to seek at the used bookstore. She shelved the books, knew the inventory. She would take your number and call if a title came in. It was a neighborhood of readers that was clear from the turn-over. There were often several copies of any best seller. But it was the others I sought. She shared in my delight. She said, "I see my favorites come in and I think well, we could be friends, except how is it possible to give these up!"

3 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Iarwain Olofsson over 8 years ago

    Very nice one.
    I am experiencing the same thought. - Being a reader, too.

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    Christopher over 8 years ago

    It's been years since I used to trawl the used bookstore looking for hidden treasures. You've made me want to take up the practice again. Very well done, D.M.

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    frostygossamer over 8 years ago

    But books should be for sharing and they will come back around eventually. Nice one. :)

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